Tours & Experiences

I design and lead insightful tours and experiences all over the Island.

Three level of service

I’m not cheap, yet I’m very generous 🙂 So I’d be happy to give you an advice, but if you want me to work for you I’d prefer to be paid 🙂

Let’s make an example:

Advice: you want an advice about a resort for families, and I’ll give you a name, with pleasure and for free.

Consulting: you want a list of resort for families, and you want to know what’s the better one for your kids that love sailing, for your wife/husband that likes SPA and for you that like wine tours.

Tour Consulting

I’m Sardinia expert on Goaskalocal portal, so you can schedule a call to ask me any question you may have about organizing your trip, and I’ll help you creating your own tour/holiday in the island.

You are very happy, and I’m happy for you coming in Sardinia.

Tour Designing

If you already have an idea about how you want to spend a weekend, a week or more in the Island, I can design a customized itinerary for you.

After a first talk, I’ll send a draft of a detailed itinerary, then, if you like the general idea, I’ll work tuning each day according to your desires/budget/needs/ideas.

This final documents got everything you need to book the tour services on your own.

You’ll pay me a fee for the final detailed itinerary. In case you want me taking care of level 3 (tour Organizing), this fee is considered a deposit of the balance.

You are super happy, and I’m happy too.

Tour Organizing

We are at the stage 2, you may want me to book and organize all the services of your tour.

I’ll collect your deposit then your balance and I’ll work at booking all the services and at making the flow of the whole tour very smooth.

You are extremely happy, and I’m very happy too.
